CEO, IBM Greece & Cyprus
Spyros Poulidas is the CEO of IBM Greece & Cyprus and IBM Vice President, Europe.
Mr. Poulidas was born in Athens in 1962. He studied Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Patras, Greece (1980-1985) and holds a Master of Science Degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the University of Massachusetts, USA (1987).
Mr. Poulidas began his professional career in 1988 as a consultant and joined IBM Greece in 1990, as a Systems Engineer. During his career in IBM Greece, he served as Sales Manager for IBM’s Unix Servers & Networking Systems, Manager of IBM Systems & Technology Group, Manager of IBM’s Enterprise General Business and from 2005 to 2010 as Executive Director of IBM Services, Greece & Cyprus. He has been appointed as Chairman & Managing Director of IBM Greece & Cyprus in January 2011. In 2019 and 2020, in addition to his role as CEO of IBM Greece & Cyprus, he served as Vice President of Enterprise & Commercial Business for IBM’s PGI Region (Portugal, Greece & Cyprus, Israel). He is also a member of the Senior Leadership Team of IBM South Europe.
Mr. Poulidas is member of the Board of Directors and the Chairman of the Information Technologies Committee (ITC) of the Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce. He is also the General Secretary of SEPE Board of Directors and serves as member to various Information Technology related boards and committees.